but not particular IDM ;)

Helping to prepare Murw with his VJ-set tmrw in de Desmet, we played the highly homnoured webradio from Cybernetic Broadcasting System. Some weird electronic music passed, like NIK RAICEVIC & NIK PASCAL. While looking for these strangers I found a website with all these obscure electronic Artists from the past: Encyclopedia of Electronic Music. Check it out for looking for the more obscure (but not particular IDM 😉 )


update: now CBS is playing klang der famille…jongens wat een feest!

  1. Acieed Ed

    Always handy to have another research tool.

    From the About:
    The Encyclopedia of Electronic Music was created to help people get acquainted with the world of Electronic Music. It represents some kind of database that keeps growing. The Encyclopedia of Electronic Music is the first and by far only source of information about serious (not academic) Electronic Music artists on the web. This means that you will find here information about Classic Electronic, Cosmic, Berlin School, Rhythmic, Melodic, Ambient, Space and Experimental music. You won’t find information about Techno and New Age artists here, so if you’re looking for these – look elsewhere. There are plenty of sites about these genres.

  2. distorientation

    Sounds a bit pretentious to me…

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