Emzetter live in Calantsoog
After the succesvolle back-to-back dj-set with AED on the vrijgezellenfeest another performance bij MZR. This time on a secret (?) location somewhere on the beach of Noord-holland. He will playand tweak live some tracks he made 2 years ago after moving to Amsterdam and realizing that he didnt have cable-tv in his house (this while it was the time of jumping people from not-anymore-existent buildings and to much bushes on tv).
Anyway go check that ish and bring your girlfriends and your university proffesors too because it will be high intelectual with a flirt to m’s influences from techno, elektro, minimal classical and jazz…
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Acieed Ed
Also don;t forget to put on your coltrui and bring your pipe – it really fits the intellectualness of this performance. We can’t wait!!!
Cigars are also allowed of course.
Where is teh aduio stream?
binnekort een livemixje online…
nog ff geduld
vlgnde keer makkelijker lokatie maar we houden m erin…