UKG Attempt
I know nothing about this music, but I like to listen to it from time to time. Here an attempt at mixing some of it.
we got acid in da house
I know nothing about this music, but I like to listen to it from time to time. Here an attempt at mixing some of it.
When I was young I discoverd more or less by accident that every library that I visited used the same ordering of topics for their books. You could always find Philosophy somehwere in the beginning…
Ik vind het volstrekt belachelijk om duizenden schrijvers tijdens je leven gelezen te hebben. Ik ken ongeveer twintig schrijvers en ben daar dol mee. Het liefst zijn mij Vladimir Nabokov, gevolgd door Anton Pavlovitsj Tsjechov…
Cashing in as much as possible on the TB-303 legacy (first with the TB-3 and then the TB-03), Roland has now also made a VST plugin which is part of their monthly Roland Cloud subscription.
[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] [mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]
One of my all time favorite Detroit Techno history documents becomes available again. Order while you can! Dan Sicko’s original 1999 edition of Techno Rebels is one of techno’s defining documents, a social and critical…
You probably know Clone Classic Cuts which has been re-releasing a lot of great music in the past years. There is now a nice compilation which gathers a lot of the releases on one CD…
Aciddome has broken down. Trying to fix things as you read. broken fixed (migrated) posts X comments X categories X most attachments X (just need to change url’s now) url rewriting X (but, is it…