Aciddome down

Aciddome has broken down. Trying to fix things as you read.

broken fixed (migrated)
posts X
comments X
categories X
most attachments X (just need to change url’s now)
url rewriting X (but, is it the same as before?)
domain pointing X (afaik)
plugins X (easy)
moving mixes 90% (have to move guest mixes like beukhoven as well as update pls and m3u)

Some life saving tricks for moving between hosts, in this case from powweb to dreamhost.

Recursively download everything except when you already have the file:

wget -r -nc

Re-assign certain users to posts because they have another user_id number now in the db:

UPDATE `wp_table_posts` SET `post_author` = 1 WHERE `post_author` = 2

Search/replace plugins for wordpress like: Search & Replace