Distorientation Mix: Timetravel only goes one way

A new mix by Distorientation – this time mixing up mainly older trax from back in the days. My favourite is Loletta Holloway – the woman who sang on so many records on the Salsoul label and appeared later also in the House scene.

Mix Removed Due To Comments Made Below


  • Artist Track Label
  • R-Tyme Illusion (Juan Mix) Transmat
  • Yazoo Situation Disco Legends
  • Charlie Spacer Woman Automan
  • The Parallax Corporation Slowflight / Runner Viewlexx
  • Loleatta Holloway So Sweet DJ International
  • Marshall Jefferson Do The Do DJ International
  • Sterac Electronics Next Destination Music Man
  • Macho Cat Garage M-Invasion Viewlexx
  • New Order Blue Monday Factory
  • �Lectric Workers Robot Is Systematic Taurus
  • SYD Ft. Nancy Fortune Discomanic Viewlexx
  • Harry Thumann Underwater Baby
  1. marco b

    hé ed, what’s up? real vocals deze keer! dope. maar weer eens een keertje voor wat voedsel gaan?
    ben wel benieuwd.
    ciao, marco b.

  2. Baby Records

    Dear Sirs,

    we have been notified that title “Underwater” by Harry Thumann is made available though your label. As I am sure you are aware, master rights for the artist are with our company, and we do not recall having provided you with any authorisation.

    For this reason we would appreciate if you could please contact our office to allow us to understand and clarify your position on this matter.

    We look forward to your reply,

    Baby Records International
    phone + 39 02 67 56 1
    fax + 39 02 66 71 91 08

    C.C. Maurizio Naggiar

  3. m

    daar gaan we!

  4. m

    proefprocesje checken?

  5. AED

    Het is al geregeld met de vrienden @ Baby


  6. AED

    Dus, jongens – als je exploitation tegenkomt, effe melden!

  7. distorientation

    Zo kom je nog es in contact met wat platenbonzen, eerst al dat Voodoo Ray geintje en nu dit…

  8. AED

    Ja inderdaad – wat een gedoe he. Nou – gelukkif mogen we binnenkort ouwe Elvis nummers gaan remixen, die zijn dan meer dan 50 jaar oud en dus vervallen er een aantal rechten.

  9. Sol

    Eigenlijk vaak wel BS dit soort dingen. Ze hebben in dit geval wel een punt omdat er kennelijk ook compilatie CDs worden verkocht met hun nummer. Maar vaak zijn dit soort nummers niet meer te krijgen in de gewone winkel (was het maar waar), hooguit 2dehands. Er kan dan geen sprake zijn van gemiste inkomsten. Dus wat is dan het probleem.

  10. legal department

    please note that you are publishing on your internet site information which are intended to be confidential correspondence without having received our prior approval and authorisation. the above listed pages, and the related URL have been printed and notified to the related offices.

    we would appreciate if you could delete the above correspondences in accordance and in respect of the EU privacy regulation and regulations.

    with kind regards

  11. Edwin

    Interesting – I am being blamed above for showing text that is posted by someone himself in a public discussion forum. I have removed the email text, but I do not see the need to remove text that someone publishes himself.

  12. de kardinaal

    Obvious case, if you communicate through a public form in situations like this you should be aware it’s accessible to everyone. Moreover there is nowhere indicated their post is confidential. Each post you leave on the world wide web is approved and published by yourself and therefore not against any EU privacy regulation.

Comments are closed.