HLT Flashback I: Phantasy Zone

In a couple of posts, counting down (or up) to the HLT release launch party aciddome.com presents a series of HLT memorabilia. Today: Phantasy Zone’s SpaceLab II flyer

Storm – In Sync

Net zoals Khalid hem draaide in de Rustende Jager. [Update] Download this track from Irdial records’ archive

Model Mix

Here is a new mix. It is called Model Mix, because it starts with Model 500. Model 500 Phuture 303 – Times Fade The Moderator Kenny Larkin Green Velvet Gilgamesh – Trescore Freddie Fresh Woody…

Jackmaster 1 Mix

Mixed some Trax from DJ International, Muzique, Trax, HotMix 5 etc Steve Silk Hurley – Jack your Body I have a dream Fast Eddie – The Whop Farley Jackmaster Funk – Love can’t turn around…

Tweet mix

Mixed while twittering about the mixing. So the tracklist is more or less available here: http://twitter.com/aciddome/status/12835593672 and beyond download or stream

Classics not Classics by Placid

On http://www.acid-house.net you can always find great mixes and info about the sound we all love. The squeaking, hypnotizing and deep sound of the Roland TB-303. Placid, the well known acid house DJ, has just…