Category: mixes

Disco and House Mix

Recorded on a hot summer night with a cold beer close by, starting out with some romantic slow songs picking up the pace via some obscure disco to some good old house. Included are songs…

Argentina – Ivory Coast

I was watching this match a couple of days ago but wasn’t feeling it, was pissed off by a number of things including public transport, so not long after the first Argentina goal I had…

This week’s mixes

After watching 20 minutes of the friendly match bewteen England and Hungary I got so bored I decided to do some mixing instead and keep the game on in the background. Missed two goals, but…

Rave Radio Recordings

While I was recording some of my old productions from the middle nineties on my pc I rediscovered some old radio broadcasts I recorded back in 1992. Next to some cool Ben Liebrandt remixes I found…

Aesoteric 17-11

Two and a half months ago when I was still travelling in Australia I decided I’d take a shot and email the organisers of a weekly electronics night in Mount Lawley, Perth if they’d like…

Placid Old Acid House mix

Here is a really good mix by Placid, posted quite recently on Discogs. He doesn’t seem to be happy with most of the acid coming out today and wants to show people the Real Deal.

Messed Up Mix

Arrghh – I just don’t have the time for mixing. Yesterday was fun with Il Disco and Robin S. @ Parkhof and I just wanted to listen to some stuff today. I recorded it ,…

Discogs Tournament Submission

A while ago I took part in the discogs tournament. Since the voting just finished, I thought I’d share the mix on the Acidnet. I was in group X, the group where the idea was…

2004 – Good Acid Year

There are a number of releases coming out that are very much acid: DK7 – WhiteShadow / Slipstream (Output) Anthing on RZ Records (recently: Back to the warehouse E.P) Stuff on Rephlex (808 State’s Prebuild)…

Classic Bergen

Bergen Classix Mix – Back to the 80’s and early 90’s when Dimitri used to play in the Rustende Jager in Bergen and life was good and simple. I made this mix in 1999 and…