Category: music

Cybernetic Broadcasting

Interesting radio station: Hotmix electro-nix. Also the shop is checkenswaardig at Panama. Got myself the acid monster Arzemis 16 from there.


When I tried to clean up my disk lately I discovered some funny old files. For example I found the results of a poll made after Pims gig at Awakenings. Apparently he was the most…

Dikke MZR beuktrack on Ruff Rhythmz Radio

Today (11th) will be a live broadcast at the famous dutch drum ‘n bass internetradioshow Ruff Rhythmz from DJ “and Kraftwerk lover” Static of (unsigned) dutch dnbtracks. One of Emzetter’s ‘meer doorbeukende’ trax ‘Jah Sumono’…

RadioShow Epitonic

You can create your own radio station easily with Epitonic Radio. The quality is 128 kbs. There used to be some services like this that went bankrupt, so enjoy it while it lasts.

Old Dutch Music

On Fonos you can ask for a reproduction of any old Dutch records ever made. Except one record label – Warner. It is a very interesting initiative. Indeed, so interesting that they cannot keep up…

Jungletrain Support

Why is your name not in this list?? Support the Train guys, come on. They have the best music around the net and cannot broadcast if you don;t sponsor them with a couple of bucks.…

DJ Booth

If you are curious how all this great music gets on this site, check out the Acieed Ed Studio. Just kidding…

The Bassment

This radio station plays some real good jungle music. Lots of stuff from Congo Natty and Planet V. Also HipHop available. The bassment, check it now!

Sound in strange capsules / Edgar Varese

Today and tommorrow, it is possible to see, feel and hear some strange capsules imported from Vaskuland and Emzarria… For in Den Haag this weekend, Emzetter and Vasku & friends made it possible for…